Price: $350.00/officer
Note: $300.00/officer if done in conjunction with 40-hour SSGT Instructor: Handgun
The SSGT Tactical Shotgun Course is a 16-hour block of instruction conducted over a
two day period. Participants will be trained on the following topics and procedures:
- Disassembly / Assembly of the Pump and Semi-Automatics Shotguns
- Maintenance and Storage of the shotgun and Ammunition
- Safe Assembly Loading Procedures:
o Cruiser Safe
o Cruiser Ready - Combat Loading / Select Slug Reloading
- Practical Application of Patterning with Various rounds
- Round Deflection and Dispersion
- Positional Firing (Prone, Grounded, Kneeling, Standing)
- Use of Cover while employing the Tactical Shotgun
- Shoulder Switch and Opposite hand firing and reloading
- One arm employment of the Shotgun (Wounded Wing)
- Less Lethal Round Applications
o Weapon’s Marking
o Ammunition Storage and Employment
Course Loadout:
75 Buck shot
75 Slugs
350 Bird shot
5 Less lethal if you have them