Check Out the Latest Defensive Tactics & Firearms Course Postings! And Be Sure to Register for Conference 2025!

40-hour SSGT Precision Rifle/Sniper: Operator Course

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Upcoming Firearms Courses

Price: $800.00/officer

DESCRIPTION: This 5-day SSGT Precision Rifle: Operator Course is designed for beginner scoped rifle operators or those experienced in long range precision marksmanship. The course begins with establishing the fundamentals of properly setting up one’s rifle, the care and maintenance of the rifle, and a solid understanding of internal, external, and terminal ballistics. The course emphasizes the development of good habits to support the principles of precision marksmanship under all conditions. Officers will zero their rifles then learn to determine their muzzle velocity and ballistic coefficient to establish the flight characteristic of the rifle-bullet combination.

This information is further used by inputting it into ballistic software that accounts for atmospheric conditions which affect the point of impact of the round. These skills and equipment are used by the premier Law Enforcement and allied military organizations worldwide. Officers will learn to shoot from the standing, kneeling seated and prone positions and how to properly use a bipod & tripod. Since most engagements in the field rarely look like a nice flat range, officers are taught how to quickly develop improvised stable firing platforms.

SSGT TRAINERS: Our trainers are former Special Forces (Green Beret) Operators who have served as instructors and Program Managers at the JFK Special Warfare Center’s Special Forces Hostage Rescue and Sniper School. These operators have years of real-world application in diverse combat environments conducting and refining the principles and skills taught in this course. The collective lessons learned during these experiences were used by our trainers to rewrite training doctrine and Programs of Instruction for Special Operations Forces. Our trainers have trained and successfully led thousands of U.S. And indigenous forces in countless counter terrorism operations during the Global War on Terrorism.