Check Out the Latest Defensive Tactics & Firearms Course Postings! And Be Sure to Register for Conference 2025!

40-hour SSGT Patrol Rifle Instructor Course

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Price: $800.00/officer

Note: $750.00/officer if done in conjunction with 40-hour SSGT Handgun: Instructor Course

Reference:  215 page SSGT Patrol Rifle Instructor Manual Included. Example pages below!

DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to ensure that officers that have the fundamental prerequisite skills as a Patrol Rifle Operator. Attendees are then trained in the critically important and effective tactics of Two-man Close-Quarters-Battle (CQB) Patrol Rifle.

The Two-man Close-Quarters-Battle Patrol Rifle training is specifically designed for those officers working in pairs while conducting their duties in an urban environment. This course begins with reinforcing safe weapons handling and application methods for close quarters operations.

A series of clearance principles are taught on a flat range that allow the officers to isolate and master common situations found during clearing operations. These fundamental principles that apply to all urban clearing operations are demonstrated, taught, and drilled repeatedly in a safe live-fire environment on a range before officers apply these skills in buildings.

The course progresses into using buildings with common obstacles and layouts to continue to reinforce the application of principles in various urban environments. Theses fundamental skills are trained and are applicable across the operational continuum IE clearing, active shooter, and rescue operations.

This training is designed to certify attendees to safely and professionally train, coach, and mentor officers in proven training methodologies. Attending officers will be instructed in training methodologies to teach didactic information and hands-on skills.

Topics such as troubleshooting common deficiencies found in patrol rifle shooting operations and equipment issues are discussed to ensure officers can timely and properly identify and correct problems. Officers will be required to develop and teach a class that encompasses a classroom block of instruction, practical application, and evaluation for fellow officers. Officers will be evaluated on their level of mastery of the subject matter and their ability to convey this information to others effectively.

SSGT TRAINERS: Our trainers are former Special Forces (Green Beret) Operators who have severed as instructors and Program Managers at the JFK Special Warfare Center’s Special Forces Hostage Rescue and Sniper School. These operators have years of real-world application in diverse combat environments conducting and refining the principles and skills taught in this course. The collective lessons learned during these experiences were used by our trainers to rewrite training doctrine and Programs of Instruction for Special Operations Forces. Our trainers have trained and successfully led thousands of U.S. And indigenous forces in countless counter terrorism operations during the Global War on Terrorism.