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25-A06-DTEWF: 24-hour SSGT Edged Weapon Survival Instructor Course in Baton Rouge, LA (June '25)

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  • $650.00


SSGT Edged Weapon Survival Instructor Certification Course
·Reference Text: SSGT Edged Weapon Survival Manual (182 pages)
·Certification Course Length: 24 hours
·Length of Certification: Instructor Certification Valid for three (3) years
·Recertification Course Length: 16 hours
·Exams: Written and Practical Exams Administered

By the end of this course, a certified SSGT Edged Weapon Survival Instructor will be qualified to:
· Teach officers about the objectively reasonable use of force, the effects and mitigation of survival stress and the principles of defensive tactics.
· Educate officers generally about the design, function, features and utility of both folding and fixed-bladed knives.
· Teach officers to defend against deadly force attacks while on their feet using an edged weapon when needed, warranted and justifiable.
· Teach officers to defend against deadly force attacks on the ground using an edged weapon when needed, warranted and justifiable.
· Teach officers to defend against various edged weapon attacks in close quarters situations.
· Instill self-confidence in the officer’s ability to defend him/herself against deadly force attacks.
· Certify law enforcement officers in the 16-hour SSGT Edged Weapons Survival Operator Course.

The edged weapon section of this program is divided into nine categories as follows:
Category: 1- Knife Knowledge (26 pages of education about knives);
Category: 2- Knife Grips, Stance, Drawing the Knife and Footwork;
Category: 3- Blade Blocking and Piercing Actions;
Category: 4- Transitions (hands on; to knife; to handgun);
Category: 5- Headlock Escapes (using a knife);
Category: 6- Bear Hug Escapes (using a knife);
Category: 7- Ground Escapes (using a knife);
Category: 8- Defeating the Draw (using a knife);
Category: 9- Close Quarters Edged Weapon Defense.