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25-B05-DT1R: 24-hour SSGT Vanguard Level One Instructor Re-certification Course in Ruston, LA (May '25)

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  • $600.00

Vanguard Level One Instructor Re-certification Course Breakdown

The SSGT Vanguard Level One Instructor and Student Courses are broken down into seven (7) Categories as follows:

  1. Common Grab Defense – against wrist grabs, throat grabs, hair grabs and lapel grabs in a standing position.
  2. Headlock Defense – against a rear headlock, front headlock and side head-locks both standing & on the ground.
  3. Bear-hug Defense – against front over and under the arms and rear over and under the arms.
  4. Tackle Defense – against double leg and single leg tackles.
  5. Striking & Knife Defense – against various strikes and cutting instruments.
  6. Escaping From The Bottom (ground) – escapes from the mounted position and side positions.
  7. Controlling A Grounded Subject From The Top – various controlling techniques designed to enable the officer to place the subject into a position for handcuffing.